Healing Light Empath


You Belong Here

Discover, Heal, and Grow

Are you a beginner empath trying to make sense of it all? You’re in the right place.  Alicia McBride, empath and author, is here to help you navigate this journey.

What is an Empath ?

An empath is someone who feels the energy of others—whether it’s from people, animals, or even places. More than just imagining what someone else is going through, an empath can physically experience the emotional distress or pain of others in their own body. Empaths are highly sensitive to the energy around them, often feeling drained or overwhelmed by absorbing emotions that aren’t theirs.

If you’ve ever felt like you’re carrying the weight of other people’s struggles or found yourself exhausted after being in a crowd, you may be an empath. The emotions, trauma, and baggage of others can pile up, leaving you feeling stuck and burdened. But there’s hope—learning how to ground and protect your energy can change everything.

Does this sound like you?  Take the “Am I an Empath?” quiz and find out for sure!

I Feel Too Much:

A How-To Guide For The Beginner Empath

Have you recently discovered you are an empath? Do you feel everything? Are you often overwhelmed or permanently exhausted? Are you affected by the moods and emotions of other people? Leap into a journey of healing and self-discovery.

In this book, you will:

  • Learn seven clear steps to propel you in the right direction.
    Experience guided meditations to protect your energy and release negativity.
  • Acknowledge your spiritual gifts and learn how-to accept them.
  • Discover ways to make your daily life easier and less overwhelming.
  • Learn to navigate the world while meeting your newfound requirements.

Working through the steps will help you let go of burdensome baggage, feel lighter, evolve into your true self, and realize your true-life path. You will be ready to face whatever is next.  You can do it.  Begin by turning the page.

Praise for "I Feel Too Much"

“I love this book. You will too. I could hear Alicia speaking directly to me. I felt the words. They just flow so naturally and authentically. Like we were just chatting. This book delivers the goods. The tools and inspiration to get through the challenges, as well as celebrating the blessings of being an empath. Many pearls of wisdom to live by and practice every day.”

“I love how the author walks the steps with you as if she is guiding you while in the room. She teaches you how to embrace your gift and move ahead.”

“I was initially skeptical, but as I started reading I found bits of myself. I felt like I was reading a book about ME. It’s an easy read and it felt like Alicia was right there with me along for the ride. I highly recommend to anyone who wants to learn more about themselves.”

OK. So, you're an empath. Now what?

You’ve probably spent most of your life piling on other people’s emotions, trauma and baggage.  You piled it on top of your own emotions, trauma and baggage, so high that all of your shit is stuffed and buried at the very bottom of what feels like a sticky tar pit.  I completely understand you.  Not only can I feel what you are feeling (Hi empath!), but I have been in your shoes, submerged in the sticky tar pit. You have likely experienced emotional distress, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, adrenal burn-out and/or what feels like permanent exhaustion.  You probably have close relationships with a narcissist or other toxic people. 

What can you do?  The first step is to ground and protect your energy to prevent you from piling on more that’s not yours.

Through the journey of a spiritual awakening, learning the words empath, narcissist, gas-lighting, emotional abuse and completely transforming my life, I wrote a book to help others just like me.  I see you.  I feel you.  You are not alone.  I would love to help you clear the excess energy, work through your baggage and transform the sticky tar pit into a beautiful sanctuary.  I know you can do it.  You can find a link to that life-changing book below (as well as links to useful videos and a welcoming online community of people just like you!).

Now is your time.  You didn’t find this website by accident; you are meant to be here.  It’s your time to practice self-care.  Allow me to hold space for you and show you the door.  I can shine light on the door, but it’s up to you to walk through it.   I know you’re ready.  Find all the resources you need right here.

Books by Alicia McBride

Explore Alicia’s collection of best-selling books designed to guide and support you on your empath journey:

Who is Alicia McBride?

Hi!  This is me.  Post-kids, pre-cancer, and shortly before a divorce.  Yeah, I’ve been through it too.  Probably, a lot like you, I smiled through the pain.  Have you ever felt an ache in your heart so big, but you were too afraid to tell anyone it hurt?  Yeah, me too.  I’ve been on both sides of the fence; I can tell you it gets better.  It takes a lot of work but it’s definitely worth it. 

Healing is second nature for me.  When I was little, I sent energy protections to my family.  I had no idea that’s what I was doing, no one told me how to do it, and no one told me it even existed.  I felt it.  I sent my family healing energy before I ever understood what that was, or found out it wasn’t “typical.”  It’s hard to describe how I open, allowing energy to flow from me or from the earth and send it, over any distance, for other people to receive.  It’s hard to describe, but I know it happens, I feel it and they feel it.  It’s beautiful and amazing and perfectly crazy.

I want to help you, you right here, who is going through something similar to what I went through.  I want to help you make your life better.  I want to help you feel better.   

Is there a community of other people like me ?

Of course, there is!  A whole community is waiting to welcome you with unconditional love and open arms.  You can find us on Facebook, in a group called Beginner Empath.  We are here to answer questions, and offer fun activities and moral support.  You are not alone.  

The Empath Effect

Powerful stories of love, courage, and transformation!

What happens when you realize you are an empath?

You transform, just as the caterpillar breaks down in the cocoon. You shed your old ways, your old skin, and you recognize your bad habits and the toxic people in your life. You may go through an awakening of the soul. It feels big because it is big. It’s life-changing. You are now the butterfly.

Empaths have superpowers, and once you step into yours and embrace your gifts, you become who you were meant to be. You realize you are not “too sensitive” and don’t need to “toughen up.” You no longer feel exhausted, drained and, overwhelmed. You understand you are not alone. Life suddenly makes sense.

This book is a collection of stories from twenty-two empathic authors who share the journey of their awakening, transformation, and recovery. Their stories contain beautiful poetry, vivid descriptions of how an empath can see the world, and compelling messages of change, healing, and joy. These are real stories shared from the heart.

The Empath Effect is a powerful tool for healing. If you’re an empath or sensitive person, this book is a must-read. Take the plunge and discover your empath effect.

Praise for "The Empath Effect"

“Alicia McBride has beautifully curated two dozen empowering stories of trauma, self-discovery, and hope.  The words on these pages will leave you feeling encouraged and connected on the most profound spiritual level.  An absolute must-read for every wonderfully sensitive person.”

“It reminds me a little bit of a Chicken Soup for the Soul (book) but for empaths!”

“McBride has compiled a remarkable collection of stories from a montage of authors. If you’ve been told “You’re too sensitive” read this book. It’s about wielding your unique gifts and changing your small (or big) piece of this world.”

Looking to get in touch ?

Alicia McBride is a leading voice for empaths today. She is the internationally best-selling author of I Feel Too Much: A How-to Guide for the Beginner Empath and The Empath Effect: Powerful Stories of Love, Courage & Transformation. An empath and healer, she holds a B.A. in Psychology and is a reiki master and a certified yoga instructor. Alicia’s calling is helping empaths and other highly sensitive people understand how to use their gifts and navigate this world. 

Her underlying theme is unconditional love, love for yourself and love for others.    She also enjoys dancing, romantic movies and wearing PJs in public. Find her Beginner Empath group online or send her an email at Alicia@AliciaMcBride.com, she would love to hear your story. 

I Love You When

Is this the best children’s book of all time?!

I Love You When, is a delightful children’s book filled with clever rhymes and simple artwork. This picture book also includes colors, numbers and shapes- it’s a fun learning experience! It’s great for parents and grandparents to express unconditional love to their children. From happy and sad, to silly and serious, it’s enjoyable for grown-ups to read over and over to their kids, ages infant to 8 years.

This popular children’s book is dedicated to Julia Adams, who bravely fought a rare form of childhood cancer. She gained her wings at 3 years old on March 15, 2020.  

A donation is made to The Chordoma Foundation for every book purchased, in honor of Julia.

Praise for "I Love You When"

“Very cute book to read to your little ones. Even better it honors a super special little girl named Julia who fought a rare cancer. Please consider this book to honor her brave fight and to help other families in a similar situation.”

“I recommend this book. My son loves it. Twenty pages is more than I expected. This book would be a perfect gift.”

“It’s amazing to see a simple, yet uplighting, loving, and positive book for parents to read to their little ones. I even bought one for my nephews. It teaches them at an early age what unconditional love is. In addition to being a fabulous children’s book, the book’s proceeds go towards a good cause. I wish more authors would have the heart that this author does, especially at that price point!”

Take the Next Step in Your Healing

You’ve made it this far—now it’s time to trust yourself.

Whether you’re just discovering the world of empaths or have been on this path for a while, everything you need to heal and grow is here.  Alicia’s books, community, and resources are all designed to support your unique journey.  You are not alone. This is your space to explore, learn, and embrace your sensitivity as the gift that it truly is.  

Reach out, dive into the books, and connect with others who understand you. Let this be the start of your transformation.  The world needs the light only you can shine.

Healing Light Empath

Soul Healing For Empaths and Sensitive People

© 2025 | Website Designed by U-neek

Walk your path, shine your light, be you. Embrace who you are. Reach out with questions, I am happy to help.


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